I skogen skulle være fest
Hos Bamsefar i lia
For Bamsen fyller femti år
Omtrent på denne tia
Gamle snille Bamsen vår
Fyller femti år i år
Hipp hurra for Bamsefar
Som er så snill og rar
Og dagen kom med fuglesang
Det var et helt orkester
Og bamse gikk og hilste pent
På alle sine gjester
Dette gikk jo riktig bra
Tusen takk skal alle ha
Hipp hurra for Bamsefar
Som er så snill og rar
Of the mice got teddy bear father
A love on a stick
You can lick it for the winter
While you are inside
It should be Uncle Teddy bear
It will taste very good
Hip hurray for Teddy bear father
Who is so kind and weird
The big elk got up
And shook his ham a little
And gave a beautiful speech
For the old kind Bamsen
Dear old Bamsen spring
You are fifty years old this year
Hip hurray for teddy bear father
Who is so kind and weird
And all the animals clapped
For the very nice speech
And the fox cried a tear
As he wiped away with the tail
Old kind Teddy
bear Best bear in this country
Hip hurray for teddy bear father
Who is so kind and weird
But then said little harepus
See The teddy bear ours sleep
Then all the animals realized
That now the party was over
It has been a lovely day
Thank you so much teddy bear has
Hip hurray for teddy bear father
Who is so kind and weird

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